Sunday, May 11, 2008


The best reward You can give me as a mother is the success of my children.I holler, scream and yell sometimes to get my point across to my children but I mean well.Their success is important to me,it shows that the advice the teaching the yelling and screaming has all paid off.It's hard to sit by and watch your children go down the wrong path when you of course from experience know where that path is going to lead.

I have seen families where there are many children and all the children with the exception of 1 or 2 turn out to be crack heads,prostitutes or just bums.This must be heartbreaking for that mother,I don't want the pleasure of knowing how she deals with this situation or how she must feel.Where did that mother go wrong?Yes I know that children will do what they want when they are out of your sight but prostitution and crack use is the extreme.

Being a mother is hard.I am not growing flowers here I am molding and developing human beings.It's a huge responsibility and it should not be taken lightly.I have to watch the character that is emerging from each child and try to steer them in the right direction when I see their personality taking a turn for the worse.

What does a mother do to ensure the next crack user or prostitute wont be her child?What will you do to ensure that next crack user or prostitute wont be your child?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Train up a child in the way he SHOULD go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

All you can do is the above scripture while you're praying and monitoring their activity. You can't force nobody to do anything. Even the good Lord doesn't force anyone.