Do you trust God?Hmmm,I always said that I did but my actions showed otherwise
I was brought up to pray about my problems and forget about them and know that God will work everything out the way it's supposed to be.It may not turn out the way we expect for it to at that time but within time everything makes sense.
As I sat on the couch and prayed last night,I had a shocking revelation something I had never really thought about.I have always put trust in man but have neglected to trust God with my situations and circumstances.I would say I had faith as many of us do but I now realize I didn't.Some very important decisions that I have made I've trusted man and not God to be my provider.Man will let you down time after time because they are only human.
When you are a housewife and you depend on your husband to bring home the bacon what happens if he gets hurt on the job and can no longer work.No income coming in kids looking at you crazy cause they don't have the things they need,bills piling up disconnection notices coming in even faster,what do you do?What you have been putting your trust in has failed you,your hands are tied there is nothing that you can do, no help for you to receive there is no easy fix you need money and you needed it 3 weeks ago.
Basic necessities and toiletries you are unable to afford.Your vehicle starts acting crazy and you can't get around even if you had the gas money to put in it.Easter is fast approaching,proms graduations, birthdays and anniversaries.The pressure is on you are stripped down to nothing.Do you trust God then or do You continue to try and find another way.
The revelation was shocking as I had said before.After everything else had failed me I still didn't trust God.I came up with illegal schemes,and even considered prostitution.All the while I'm praying and saying that I believe and I have faith but time the praying stops I'm back plotting and scheming.Sometimes it takes you being stripped down to barely nothing for you to be able to clearly hear God's voice talking to you,Its a shame that we don't listen when things are going good,we block God out and are too busy doing whatever you deem to be important.
Trusting God and having faith in him is of utmost importance.What man cannot do God can do.He knows our individual situations and will work things out in his own way in his own time.Every difficult situation you face when you yourself alone cannot solve the problem is opportunity for a miracle.I'm waiting on mine how about you?