Sunday, May 11, 2008
I have seen families where there are many children and all the children with the exception of 1 or 2 turn out to be crack heads,prostitutes or just bums.This must be heartbreaking for that mother,I don't want the pleasure of knowing how she deals with this situation or how she must feel.Where did that mother go wrong?Yes I know that children will do what they want when they are out of your sight but prostitution and crack use is the extreme.
Being a mother is hard.I am not growing flowers here I am molding and developing human beings.It's a huge responsibility and it should not be taken lightly.I have to watch the character that is emerging from each child and try to steer them in the right direction when I see their personality taking a turn for the worse.
What does a mother do to ensure the next crack user or prostitute wont be her child?What will you do to ensure that next crack user or prostitute wont be your child?
Saturday, May 10, 2008

I have grown very emotional in my old age.I cry whenever one of my children accomplishes a great goal.I just can't control it.One of my 11 year olds who has adhd brought his report card home the other day and I hugged him and cried.He thought I was nuts but he appreciated the hug.He has made major improvement since he has been put on meds.He has gone from flunking every subject to passing them all.He even received student of the month and a lot of privileges .
My oldest son who has had a rough time in school received a full scholarship
to college.Tears well up in my eyes whenever I tell anyone about him,I try
to control it but I can't.I guess I know where he's come from and how hard
it was for him to make it where he is today that is so touching.His
graduation is coming up and I better come equipped with some shades!
Which child do you trust?
It's scary to see one of your children's personalities take a turn for the worse.Selfishness,self centeredness and just plain ole for self.If you have not taken notice or have not even thought about it yet,this is something very serious that every parent should think about.Which of your children could or would you trust with your life
Disgruntled and hurt ,a mother who loves her children will continue to Love,continue to give despite feeling that her sacrifices go unnoticed and unappreciated.I wish I could go on strike sometimes but being a mother is one of those jobs you can't just walk out on no matter how rough it gets.
Maybe when those ungrateful& selfish children are all grown up they will realize the sacrifices that their mother made to ensure their happiness.Borrowing money for a prom dress,matching accessories hair&nail shops when the electricity bill was well overdue and the lights were out.
I guess kids do a lot of heart breaking things but mothers just let it roll right off their backs.
When will mother's receive the recognition they deserve?I suppose just knowing you are doing the best that you can will have to be recognition enough!Trips to the candy store,outings with friends,all their money is spent when mothers day comes around can't even afford a card, but a mother will keep on loving and keep on giving with hopes of one day being appreciated for all that she is and does.
Friday, May 2, 2008
He Claims to have Infected 12,000 Young Girls With HIV
This is horrible!although this is very wrong this is very real.I think this should be shown in sex ed classes all over.Sad as it may be he is telling the truth about girls being materialistic and not taking responsibility for their own safety.
This is enough to scare anyone into abstinence.This should be shown to all daughters who are having sex or contemplating it.This is very serious and AIDS kills.
I feel bad for this generation coming up.There is so much going on that wasn't when we were coming up.All we can really do is equip them with the information they need to survive and hope and pray that they listen and learn from our life experiences so they don't fall into trouble.This video is a great topic for discussion please show it to your daughters I'm going to show it to mine(WELL at least one of them the other is too young!)